CIRCUS #3 MEET…LUKE GNOSPELIUS(Ridgewood,NJ). 14′ 9″…LILY BEATTIE(Warwick Valley,NY. 12′ 3″…. 10 PR’s !!!!
” SUMMER FUN ” ******************

The Summer Pole Vault fun hit another peak last night. at CIRCUS #3 meet. at the Warwick Center for Pole Vault Development…… and. 30+ Flying Humans took to the. fast runways at FLYING CIRCUS HEADQUARTERS. The 83′ temperatures, along with light breezes produced mega-fun. and. 10 personal bests in the final Wednesday Nights Meets.
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS…. Pit Crews…Scorers,,Standard Boards ..Bar Hoisters… and all parents……. You make. …”the beat goes on”. fun.!!!
Boys Results —— Luke Gnospelius(Ridgewood,NJ). 14′ 9″ Steve Ditelberg(Fairfield,CT). 14′ 3″ Matt Aono(Ridgewood,NJ). 13′ 9″. Lucas Williams(Ridgefield,CT) 1′ 3″. Harrison Hayward(Hackley,NY) 12′ 9″ John Robinson(Morris Knolls,NJ). 12′ 9″ Eoin O’Gara(Pearl River,NY). 12′ 3″ Max Dicker(Bronxville,NY) 12′ 3″. Liam O’meara(Ridgewood,NJ) 11′ 3″ Ryan Morales(Warwick,NY). 10′ 9″. Steve Barnum(Roundout,NY) 10′ 9″. Dylan Mahoney(Roundout Valley,NY) 10′ 3″ Ryan Hoo(Sparta,NJ) 9′ 9″. Jackson Paley(Roundout Valley,NY). 9′ 9″ Klaus Lindene(Warwick,NY) 7′ 9″ Jason Brady(Warwick,NY) 6′ 3″
Gir;s Results—— Lily Beattie(Warwick,NY). 12′ 3″. Tatum Norris(Susquehanna,PA) 12′ 3″. Rachel Mason(High Point,NJ). 11′ 9″. Ella Galloway(Pine Bush,NY) 11′ 3″ Madison Chalfin(New City,NY). 11′ 3″. Rachl venter(Warwick,NY). 10′ 9″. Olivia DeBellis(Suffern,NY). 10′ 3″. Danielle Bruce(Vernon.NJ) 9′ 9″. Averie Klein(Pine Bush,NY). 9′ 3″ Coleen Holliday(Fairfield,CT). 8′ 3″ Ady Laurie(New Paltz) 8′ 3″ Kate Dowling(Pearl River,NY). 8′ 3″ Riley Craig(Pearl River,NY) 6′ 9″.
FLYING CIRCUS NEXT STOP.S……. Summer Camps. July 2-6 @ The Warwick Center “The MEET of the YEAR”… The Circus SUMMER POLE VAULT FESTIVAL July 8-9 in the BarnYard. Registration Closes. July 6 at MidNight NO MEET DAY ENTRY for this MEET. REGISTER. at.