“FLYING CIRCUS”…..Lite~the~fire~within….
The Flying Circus Pole Vault Adventure……
Somewhere in Warwick Valley, NY
Throw new sticks on your fire…. before the fire dies out…
……… “lite~the~fire`within.”

Pole Vault Shananingins are about to begin at the Circus Indoor Barn….and YOU and your flying buddies. are invited to take part.
Check out. The important dates are listed below. Mark up your calendar for some authentic fun together. Remember… Fun MUST be SHARED by ALL!!!!!!
* Our Coach Cauthers Pre-Season ICE BREAKER Pole Vault Indoor Meets. are just 10 DAYS AWAY!!!!! The motivated Boys Meet is on Tuesday, November 5…with a warm-up at 4:30 pm and Meet bar up at 5:31 pm sharp). Register at the door ($40 Entry Fee) per athlete. Sharpen your spikes. for. some good old-fashioned speed and fellowship on fiberglass.
* The Girls will gather for the Girls Indoor Meet on Thursday, November 7.. with a Warm-up at 4:30 pm and Meet bar up at 5:31 pm. JOE TEA…will be served. to the winners of each grade. Volunteers to help with this in-house competition are always adored and loved!!!!!!!!!! You have to be there to experience the joys of sport.
* WINTER CLUB BEGINS….Monday. November 11 for the Monday/Wednesday Groups. and Tuesday, November 12. for the Tuesday/Thursday groups !!!!!!! Thank you to all parents. and athletes for making our club a unique and positive learning experience. It’s. very hard. to explain the lessons beyond pole vault that take place in our little club. Responsibility… Spirit….Gratitude is the main goal @ Flying Circus. Remember.. athletes must stay in their assigned class….. a missed class is not made up. Classes canceled. due to the weather…WILL BE MADE UP. Don’t miss your assignment. days….. these days are critical for your success.
* We are proud to announce…the addition of the Olympic Silver Medalist..Lawrence Johnson(Tennessee)… a. 19′ 7.75″. Pole Vault Champion to the. pole vault staff at this year’s ARMORY TRACK CAMP. pole vault instruction. on Sunday. November 17 at the NIKE. Track & Field Center At The Armory(NYC). It’s almost sold out… Join us. by registering at armorycamp.org.
* Some parting thoughts………….
As the new. season is about to begin….. how. will you represent yourself? and how will you step up your? commitment to excellence. This. is a personal decision that only you hold the key.. It’s. not about what your. coaches. … your teammates. or your parents want for you. You are the. one that decides your goals… your efforts. … your sportsmanship. and your dreams. It’s. time to STEP UP in all areas of your life. and. to feel the power and joy of. full effort.
Capture each day…. Leave big footprints in leadership…accountability ….responsibility and high standards of kindness for others. This is the. real ticket of success. we all aspire to. Do it Now…..Dare to be GREAT!
We gather together very soon….. Keep training fitness.. power….speed. ~~~~~~~~~ Coach St.