Newsletter #5
October 28
” Nothing happen’s ….but first a dream.”
– Carl Sandberg
The fall days are getting colder…. it must be about that time again. Get out your vaulting spikes out of the closet and get your core strength routines in motion now…. it’s almost PRIME TIME POLE VAULT SEASON!!!!! Join us at Flying Circus these final 2 weeks before our Winter Club season begins….. and you are invited to our 6 STEP CHALLENGE MEET this weekend at The Flying Circus Barn…. Girls Friday Night at 5pm… Boys on Saturday at 11AM !!!
* Special thanks to all our Winter Club Team of 50 Vaulters this year.. We are completely sold out of space beginning November 11 for the Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursdays at Flying Circus North in Warwick,NY. We will still have our Open Vault Sessions every Sunday afternoon Girls Open session 1-2:30pm Boys 2:30-4pm…. Saturday Private and Semi Private sessions will close on December 7 thru March 1…as all coaches will be traveling to Saturday Meets…Summit and State Finals.. FLYING CIRCUS HAS EXPLODED with your SUPER INTEREST!!!!
We are privileged and excited to announce that we are expanding our Pole Vault Instruction with Pole Vault Classes at the NEW BALANCE Track & Field Armory every Tuesday and Thursday for High School Pole Vaulters. Flying Circus Coaches Will Nesbitt and Beniot Simonet will be in charge of all classes and semi-private sessions… All details will be at armory and at our High School Pole Vault Clinic @ the Armory on November 22 !!!! JOIN THE INSTRUCTION !!!!
* 6 STEP POLE VAULT MEET…. Two more Vaulter Magazine Calendars will be the ultimate prizes for this weekend ‘s Pole Vault Meet at the Barn… Friday night Girls Meet at 5PM Saturday morning Boys Meet at 11AM… Entry Fee… $20 per vaulter…All Divisions…Elementary School…Middle School…High School…Open.. and Masters Divisions.
* ON SALE @ MEET…. The NEW FLYING CIRCUS POLE VAULT T SHIRTS and Car Magnets…. this fund raiser program helps support new equipment here at Flying Circus.
“If you believe in yourself.. . and have dedication and pride ——- and never quit , you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high ——- but so are the rewards.”
— Paul “Bear” Bryant
University of Alabama