The Hudson Valley Flying Circus Pole Vault Club
Warwick Valley, NY
It’s time to RE-FUEL your Spirit and Physical Pole Vault Engine.

CONGRATULATIONS on your successful opening this week at Flying Circus Fall Pole Vault. Your spirit is leading your work and we believe in the “NO LIMITS” theory. Our job here at Circus is to develop CONFIDENT ATHLETES. This is the way to your success this season. Consistant Training routines……Dedicated attitudes and the pledging to reach for the Joy-of-Self-Movement.
This Fall Prep work is the KEY for your successful INDOOR SEASON ahead. Only the dedicated athletes will prepare themselves….. only 1 athlete out of 10 …. will really dig down deep this fall with intelligent and daily training for the “BIG DANCE of COMPETITION”. ARE YOU THAT ONE-in-TEN ??????????? The body can never go…. where the mind has never been. Let’s get BIG in our focus and training routines. Your athletic careers last a very short time…. many athletes can TRAIN HARDER…. TRAIN SMARTER…. and TRAIN-with-MORE PASSION. NOW is YOUR TIME in the Athletic Spot Light. GO FOR IT…. NOW.Write your GOALS and DREAMS in your small Training Journal….. Double your EFFORTS in TRAINING….. SEEK MASTERY…Not just put in time. MAKE TRAINING A PRIORTY.
TRAINING MICRO-CYCLES are 21 days each.Each NEW CYCLE is built on the previous work cycle. This is how your build your ATHLETIC FOUNDATION.A missed training CAN NOT be made up…. It is a lost opportunity in your development.You must move the weights 3 Days per week for real strength to be acheived.You must commit to Run Fitness and Run Mechanics 2 Days per week.You must schedule yourself to 2-3 Pole Vault Technical Days per week.You must buy into the DRILLS PROGRAM…the WARM UP PROGRAM and the SMALL JUMP DAYS PROGRAM .You must concentrate on eating right… eating healthy… and sleep recovery increases each day.You must support your team mates at every opportunity…… ‘as you give…so shall you receive.’You must start to DREAM BIGGER …… WHAT DO YOU DREAM TONIGHT ???????
* Mark your Calender…. We will be hosting an IN-HOUSE Only…(Flying Circus Athletes Only ) MINI-MEET.S Small Groups. See below for first Meet. Friday Night October 16 5 :01pm GIRLS MEET Beginner/Intermediate Meet ( Girls PR of 9′ 0″ and Under) Bar opens at 6′ 0″ ….Cost $40/athlete. 7:31pm GIRLS MEET Intermediate/Elite (Girls PR of 9’6″ and Up) Bar opens at 8′ 6″ …..Cost $40/athlete Saturday October 17 10:01am BOYS MEET Beginner/Intermediate Meet (Boys PR of 10′ 6″ and Under) Bar opens at 7′ 0″ … Cost $40/athlete 1:01pm BOYS MEET Intermediate/Elite Meet (Boys PR of 11′ 0″ and Up) Bar Opens at 10′ 0″ … Cost $40/athlete
OPEN FALL SCHEDULE ($30/athlete Walk-In) Wednesday Evenings… Boys at 5-6:30pm Girls at 7-8:30pm
Sundays …Beginners- 10:31am-12:01pm Girls Int/Elite 12:31-2:01pm Boys Int/Elite 2:31-4:01pm
FLYING CIRCUS ….” I will getready…and then perhaps…my chance will come.”