JENN SUHR… 15′ 10″ ….EMILY SAVAGE … 13′ 2.5″ !!! CIRCUS CLOSED Feb. 1 and Feb. 5 !!!!
The Hudson Valley Flying Circus Pole Vault Club , LLC
Warwick, Valley, NY
” Pole Vault Stars” Return….. Some things never change….. Flying Circus Salutes JENN SUHR and EMILY SAVAGE !!!!
The age – old slogan of … “Never Give Up” …. is this weeks attitude celebration for for World Record Holder and Olympic Champion..JENN SUHR and 2013 National Outdoor Pole Vault Champion…EMILY SAVAGE !!! Both women took it up this past weekend in pole vault meets in Taranto and Clemson and the beat-goes-on!!! CONGRATULATIONS JENN & EMILY !!!
JENN SUHR…. 15′ 10″ !!!!!!
EMILY SAVAGE ….. 13′ 2.5″ !!!!
FLYING CIRCUS WILL BE CLOSED Thursday Feb. 1 for our Girls Classes…Make up date Thursday . Feb. 8.
FLYING CIRCUS WILL BE CLOSED Monday Feb. 5 for our Boys Classes….Make Up date Wednesday Feb. 7
Many Thanks ….Flying Circus