Dear Circus Vaulters ~~~~~~~
As we approach our final meets… practice sessions…summer camps and summer Vault Festival Meets…. it is time to reflect and give thanks to all of our athletes and parents. The past. nine months of skill learning.. sportsmanship development and a gracious attitude approach to our sport is truly inspiring to watch. Watching kids support each other….. watching kids never cutting corners in preparing…. watch kids. fight. thru a bad day and bouncing back is the. true. joys of sport. You all have raised the torch here at Flying Circus.
There are some things in this world that money can’t buy… and it is called character. Other kids watch you compete. and watch you handle yourself. How you keep your head up regardless of. your performance.. How. you are humble in victory. and. gracious in defeat. These. are the real qualities that enrich us in athletics. and teach us huge lessons. of life. It is never about the trophy……… it is. about searching for. the best within us.
Let’s. finish the last 6 weeks with a huge finish together.

End-of-the-Year Circus News
*. Camps. are loaded and both are SOLD OUT. July 2-6… Stay fit. and in. shape after States.
* All Rental Vault poles. due back at Barm on June 17 …after NB Nationals.
* We have scheduled. a NEW BALANCE NATIONAL LAST CHANCE MEET for boys. and Girls. who are close to the Entry Standard. for NextSunday June 4. at 2:31pmat the. super fast runways. at the Barn and BarnYard. Starting heights. will be. high like NB Nationals. Cost $40/athlete. at the door.
* Our Coaching Staff at our Summer Camps. will be…. “Best Ever”.. Be ready for some new voices/ideas. reboot.
* SUMMER FESTVAL MEETS ..July 7 & 8 will end our. season and we will take. a 6-week recovery phase and move to strength. and flexibility work for July and August.
* Summer Festival. has. every Age Division. and is a gathering of. every pole vault enthusiast in our reach. Don’t. miss this final meet with us. It will also be a. 2024 NY Millrose Games Qualifier this year for the HS Boys. and Girls Winner!!!
* All Festival. entry athletes. will be treated. to EARLY REGISTRATION for WINTER POLE VAULT CLUB. REGISTER NOW. for our Final Meet. at our website. (July 7 % 8, 2023)
* SUMMER TWILIGHT MEETS @ Barn. Thursday, June 22. and Friday, June 30. 5:01 pm Start. (Warm Up 1 hour before at 4 pm). Cost $40 at the door/athlete.
* Pictured. above… 2023 SUMMER CAMP T-SHIRT REVEAL !!!!!
Flying Circus…….. ALL-ABOARD !!!!!!